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K3234 Kabi Traffic Lacing
K3234 Kabi Traffic Lacing IQ Game  Johor Bahru JB Malaysia Supplier & Supply | I Education Solution
RM 35.00
K3234 Kabi Traffic Lacingk3234

K3234 Kabi Traffic Lacing
Motor Skills Wooden Lacing Beads Vehicles
12 wooden city beads to lace together, including police car, ambulance and bus. With street side scenery including tree, bridge and traffic light. Made from premium wood and no bad smell. All blocks with smooth surface and just sized for little hands to grasp. 
Small beads encourage children to use their pincer grasp, strengthening the small muscles of their hands.
In-hand manipulation skills: 
Many parts of making a beaded project increase strength and coordination in the small hand and finger muscles. 
Visual perceptual skills: 
Visual discrimination, scanning, and visual memory¨Dthe child must be able to remember the beading pattern to determine the next bead they want to use. Visual discrimination assists them in selecting the bead they want.
Visual motor skills: 
Hand-eye coordination¨Dthreading beads onto a string requires their hands and eyes to work together.
Suitable for children from three years

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